Purpose of art...

believe that all art is created as a way to bring us back to ourselves. To remember our unique nature, our purpose, and our unique soul pattern. Music, paintings, sculptures, tattoos, dance, etc., all pull strings inside us that become part of our puzzle. We are piecing together a map of the soul.

The same painting awakens different feelings and reactions, bringing absolutely different experiences for two different people. Such a simple thing happened to be so complicated. But thanks to that experience we will remember a part of our story that spans several hundreds lifetimes.

Art for me has always been more than just a medium to express what I see or feel; it serves as a profound language through which I can communicate with souls. Each brushstroke and every color I choose becomes a vessel for emotions that words often fail to convey. In the vibrant hues and intricate patterns, I find a connection with the essence of humanity, transcending the barriers of spoken language.

About my art...

each painting I create is unique and one of a kind. Having created a painting, the artist puts into it what makes it alive. So that in the future it could serve as a source of inspiration, initiate great changes in people, be a unique keeper of someone's history.